Everything Is A Choice.

sweta parmar
2 min readFeb 8, 2024

Most of our decisions are a result of the choices we make. Do you agree?

More often than not most of our decisions are taken by us, but influenced or favouring our family, parents, spouse, children, friends etc. But in the process, are yours missed out as collateral damage? Don’t let that happen.

Have your relations closer. And that doesn’t mean just your spouse or family. It could also mean the friends’ group on WhatsApp that you have only been chatting with but are unable to catch up with in person.

Female friendships are so underrated and for me, the past weekend was a realisation of just that. They can make life so much fun, complicated and so easy all at the same time.

Have you heard of the term Wabi Sabi? It’s a Japanese word that is the art of finding beauty in your imperfections. Similarly, learn to embrace your imperfections. Women and body positivity is not a 24/7 feeling. I don’t know a single woman who isn’t happy or conscious of some part of her body and needs her family, partner or friend to say, “Dude it’s okay.”

Also, remember- Life is short and simple. Don’t overthink everything. If you want to take that trip, take it. You want to take that picture, take it. If you want to watch that movie, go ahead. If you want to say sorry and move on, do it. Don’t overthink and complicate things.

As I pen these thoughts that strike me, I also have gratitude for the holiday that I get to take, the break that I get to weave in between my schedule, and the roles that I decide to shed for a while. Try to weave some gratitude into your daily routine. Just a few mins thinking about what you have will help you see things and people from a different perspective.

Start living life with positive attitude and thinking.

Stay blessed…!


